Smarten Up
Your Customer Engagement

We run your SMART ENgagement OPeration based on SMART ENgineering OPtimization. This is a new breed of BPO, namely a customer engagement centaur, based on a perfect blend of high-tech AI tools and high-touch design. Lay back in comfort and watch how smartened up operations brings efficiency, service quality and customer satisfaction to a whole new level.

Food Ordering

  • Automated Processes 3
  • Automation Ratio 85%
  • Savings 50%


  • Automated Processes 5
  • Automation Ratio 70%
  • Savings 40%

Human Resources

  • Automated Processes 5
  • Automation Ratio 75%
  • Savings 45%

Education Management

  • Automated Processes 6
  • Automation Ratio 75%
  • Savings 40%

How It Works

SMART ENgagement OPeration is based on SMART ENgineering OPtimisation.

Requirement Analysis

Service requirements are analyzed, channels are selected and customer communication strategy is specified.


The operation is engineered with an optimal blend of high-tech AI tools and high-touch design reflecting a spirit of artisanship.


SMART ENgagement OPeration is launched and maintained based on service KPIs.

Quality Enhancement

The service quality is continously monitored and enhanced.